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Hairdryers – Do You Love Yours?

I love, love, love my Hair Dryer!

Did you know that they release 57 lbs of Carbon Dioxide per year, just under the 59 lbs that our dishwashers release! I was surprised that either they were so bad or our dishwashers have gotten so good!

I have long hair and I used to hate blow drying it, it would take forever, and my arms would get tired holding the brush, spin, pull… I’m tired just thinking about it.

One day I was complimenting my girlfriend Samantha on how great her hair looked. And asking how it looked so great with a newborn baby on her lap, she started to rave about the hair dryer she got for Christmas.

I had to try it. That was over a year ago and I still love this hair dryer. It’s the Conair Infiniti Hair Dryer.

I wash my hair the night before I’m going to give myself a blow out. Pin my hair on top of my head. In the morning I have damp hair. It takes me 6-8 minutes to blow it out.

One of the best things about this dryer is that when you use it you don’t need to use a brush, you style your hair using the dryer and your hands. I usually comb it out before I clip it up, that’s all. I section my hair using a giant clip, then work one piece at a time, pulling the comb’s of the dryer through the section of my hair.

I sometimes use a little serum once it’s dry, nothing else goes in my hair. When I’m done, it looks almost as good as when my stylist does my hair. Seriously.

The blow out also last me 4-6 days depending on what I’m up to. Everyone’s hair is different, so I don’t know how it will work for you, but did I mention… I love my hair dryer!

Less time with the hairdryer – means less emissions and great hair without a lot of product even better!

I wish Conair was paying me to write this, if someone’s in touch with them,let them know.

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  • kathy from Strawberryseeds.net July 29, 2009, 11:46 am

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