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Life Changing Moments for #vlogmoms

naturally beautiful

We all have pivotal moments – life changing moments that shape us

I have two life changing moments that often come to mind… one involves Oprah… but that one felt almost too cliche to share, I mean can you really have a life changing moment watching Oprah when you are 17 years old?  So… that’s not the story I tell today… instead we went back in time… all the way to first grade.


Next weeks topic – Who or what makes you giggle?

Naturally Beautiful

Share your life changing moment with us!

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  • rajean February 24, 2012, 12:25 pm

    Tania, your story is so sweet. I get sad a bit because in today’s society, it sometimes, maybe often, is frowned upon when ‘strangers,’ take a child under their wing. In listening, I wondered how comfortable would I be if a neighbor invited my child to dinner, etc. like what you mention. But it goes back to ‘it takes a village,’ and I agree, this family sounds like a perfect balance of what your own family could offer you growing up. When I was divorced and didn’t have a man in my life, I encouraged my parents and friends to play up the ‘loving couple,’ in the presence of my girls. I wanted them to see that interaction, a little peck on the lips or cheek while cooking dinner, a swat with the towel while folding clothes, etc. 

    • Tania February 25, 2012, 9:27 pm

      Rajean – so true. We need community, yet with so many sick and disturbed predators out there… we don’t know who to trust.
      We have an adopted grandmother, her daughter’s family is in the military so her grandchildren are across the country. She always comes to our home. I wonder if my own story makes me more likely to be accepting of these kinds of relationships?

  • Erin Lane February 24, 2012, 12:52 pm

    What a sweet, sweet story!!

    • Tania February 25, 2012, 9:23 pm

      Thank you Erin! Of course there is much more to the story, but I only had a couple of minutes.

  • julie February 28, 2012, 8:59 pm

    I loved that story. I love that, by accident, you made an extension of your family. It’s so sad that that type of relationship can barely be formed these days. Children could never talk to strangers. And around here everyone takes their kids to the bus or school.Also? how many times in life do you benefit from breaking a rule? (lots, probably!)

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