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The Wild Chicken Way

We live in Los Angeles – one thing I never expected to hear from my children is “Mama, can we take the wild chicken way” as we go about our day.  Yet this is the chant that echo’s from the backseat of my mini van – repeatedly.

Not to far from our home we have discovered 2 wild chickens.  Yes.  You read that right.  Wild Chicken’s in LA! So, whenever we’re in the area the lil’s always ask for a drive by, I typically slow down to see if we can spot them.

You might be wondering how I do I know these particular chickens are in fact wild?  The first time I spotted them – I was take aback.  These chickens are hanging out a half a block from Ventura Boulevard – we’re talking a long way from Kansas.  So, being  Canadian – that means “too nice” according to Dude –  I stopped with the intention of coming to their aid.  I thought they must have owners missing them, but I didn’t really have a plan for EXACTLY how I was going to help them… I digress.

After I’d spent a little time trying to corral the hens a neighbor pulled up,  I asked if he know who the chickens belonged to – and he informed me they were wild and had been in the area for YEARS!!!

The "just-off" Ventural Boulevard Wild Chickens

The “wild chicken way” isn’t usually the fastest way to our destination, yet I consistently detour hoping we spot the elusive hens.

When we actually spot the hens – we’ll usually take the time to double back and watch them peck around.  Nothing much happens, but the children love it and always hate it when I finally start inching the car away.

We’ll have conversations and wonder how they came to live here, where they sleep and how they stay safe at night.   We’ll not spot them for some time and wonder if they are OK.

In a world where the pace of life has gotten so fast my head often spins.  The “Wild Chicken Way” has become a tiny reminder to slow down and appreciate the little things in life.

Now clearly not everyone has “wild chicken’s” around the corner, but I’ll bet there is something unique in your neighborhood, something that will pull you out of the craziness of life and let you slow down to  take time and observe life’s little miracles.

Roadside Hens!

Others might race through this intersection and miss the little treasure it hold for our family.  Plus, what mother’s heart wouldn’t melt just a little when hearing their childrens voices chime with this seemingly odd request…. “Mama, can we take the wild chicken way?”

{ 2 comments… add one }

  • monique July 19, 2010, 7:13 am

    The wild chicken way – hilarious! But, yep, kids can always teach you when you need to slow down and just chill.

    Thanks for sharing!

  • BoothV August 5, 2010, 12:48 pm

    Great story..and it hit home. I live near the Beverly Center and for three years, every day, I was visited by a chicken who came to enjoy her lunch in my front yard. She never missed a day (except when it rained) and was almost always right on time…about 3:30 p.m.. She brought so much joy to me and the hundreds of people who would drive by and do a triple take. That little girl was the star of an awful lot of cell phone pictures. She also had about 30 names from the kids in the neighborhood! And the chance to teach the kids in the neighborhood about how important it is to respect nature was a great perk for me. Sadly, she just didn’t show up one day. I’ve convinced myself that she had a long, happy life and just went to sleep. Anything other than that would ruin one of the great experiences of my life in L.A. Great story and thanks for sharing.

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