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Splenda Safety

At the beginning of 2009 – following a lecture from my BFF, I stopped using Splenda.

She told me it was bad for me… and given my desire to provide whole, natural and organic foods for my family I realized that splenda use was completely incongruous with my other habits. So I eliminated Splenda from my diet (I had never given it to my children).

A few months later, I thought I should do some research of my own to better understand what makes it questionable. I know that other artificial sweetener’s had been found to cause cancers in animal testing and wondered if the same was true with Splenda.

Studies have shown that it depress’ immune systems:

splenda, safety, immune, system, effect

Image by Kristina Yamamoto - Image links.

It has been shown to interfere with the Thymus Gland – causing it to shrink up to 40% in animal testing.  The Thymus is a a key part of our bodies immune system.  In addition it has been shown to cause calcification in the kidneys and swelling in the liver or kidneys.

I wouldn’t say I was ever a heavy Splenda user, but a few teas and coffees per day and perhaps a Hansen’s or two in the evening.  Certainly enough that it adds up.

Since eliminating Splenda my body has fought a few bugs, but I have not been down & out sick. I don’t know if it is a coincidence or not, but after my research it makes me believe that it’s not.

For my money – skip the Splenda.

This article goes even farther in condemning Splenda: www.holisticmed.com


Try Agave Nectar for a low glycemic index option.

Stevia, Honey, Brown Rice Syrup and when all else fails… just use sugar.

{ 15 comments… add one }

  • Brie September 10, 2009, 7:25 pm

    I’m so happy to hear you’re no longer using Splenda. I find it horribly evil and do not use it. I’ve never been a fan of any type of artificial sweetener. This article I found on Food Renegade articulates the dangers of Splenda better than I can: http://www.foodrenegade.com/the-dangers-of-splenda/

  • Robin @ toxicbeautyblog.com September 25, 2009, 4:28 pm

    Splenda is incredibly toxic. Check out Dr. Mercola’s natural health website for some great resources on artificial sweeteners. He even wrote a book exposing the true nature of Splenda. You can subscribe to his newsletter for free and become a member of his online community!


  • Dee December 15, 2009, 11:58 am

    Hi –

    I used to be a Splenda (and even an Equal) user, as well. Since I quit using it I’ve been so much healthier. I feel like if I’m really in a bind, a teaspoon of sugar won’t kill me. It’s been around for ages. I prefer honey for my cooking and teas, though.

  • Cris March 3, 2010, 3:11 pm

    I have heard that Splenda was unhealthy from its inception. I do not trust Splenda or Stevia. Thanks for the post.

  • Lisa @Retro Housewife Goes Green March 7, 2010, 12:46 pm

    I avoid splendia but I would avoid Agave Nectar also. It’s made a lot like HFCS.

  • Tania Reuben March 7, 2010, 4:19 pm

    There is controversy over Agave – we choose it for the low glycemic index – so I believe our bodies process it differently.

    The best approach is overall reduction of sugar intake – but in the homes of most that will be a fight without some alternatives.

  • Ellie Hughes May 11, 2010, 12:00 pm

    i used Stevia extract as a sugar substitute because i am diabetic. Stevia is really sweeter than sucrose.-*~

  • Condo Bluies June 5, 2010, 8:21 pm

    Ieat a low sugar diet by choice and use natuaral sweetners as much as possible. I have a diabetic in my extended family – what do I use when I need to use a sugar substitue for him? It’s not fair to make something everyone can eat but him.

    • Tania Reuben July 10, 2010, 3:39 pm

      I would try stevia. I believe you can use it for baking and it’s a plant based sweetener. I would also talk to his Doctor about using limited amounts of agave. It has a low glycemic index – but can be tough on the liver so you don’t want to use it in larger quantities.

  • Joanna July 29, 2010, 7:03 am

    I too am pleased to hear you do not use an artificial sweetener in your coffee.  I use coconut oil in my coffee, some good fats and also slightly sweetens it.  Other than that we use maple syrup or honey when we want sweet things which is about four times a year, as we no longer really like sugary things!

  • pfassad August 14, 2010, 7:59 am

    As a Diabetic, I used to be a heavy Equal user, but then got scared off by some reports I read about Aspartame’s effects on the brain.  I switched to Spenda, because I considered it to be “closer” to real sugar.  This article just bummed me out, as I was just starting to stir for my morning cup…I tried Stevia, but it was gross.Any thoughts on Xylitol?

    • Tania Reuben August 16, 2010, 11:03 pm

      Consult your doctor, but Agave has a low glycemic index, but it can be tough on the liver so you don’t want to use too much and choose raw and organic so it’s gone through as little processing as possible.
      Xylitol seems to be OK but has some side effects:

      Some people who use xylitol in large quantities (usually more than 40 grams/day) may initially experience diarrhea. Many of these people report that the diarrhea subsides even with continued excessive use as their digestive systems adjusts to the xylitol.


  • Lisa @ Crazy Adventures in Parenting September 14, 2010, 4:48 pm

    I stopped using Splenda early last year after researching for myself the dangers. I now use Truvia, and love it <3

  • Melyssa October 28, 2010, 7:53 pm

    Thx for this post about Splenda. I just knew there wasn’t something right with it, but didn’t know. I like to consume things closest to their natural state as possible.Agave nectar is so yummie. I have been using the one from Trader Joe’s. All my shopping except for deli meat is done at Trader Joe’s. That’s the closest store for me that carries the more ‘healthier’ alternatives. I buy about 80% organic so far. I love your site! I am learning so much.

  • Jen February 20, 2011, 7:53 pm

    Thank you for this post! I used to use Splenda all the time, til my naturopath told me how bad it was. I use agave nectar, but only raw organic. Less processing the better!

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