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Why Buy Organic?

Organic products can wreck havoc on our budgets… Why bother?

The short answer is; for better nutritional value, to reduce toxin exposure, for better tasting foods and for the environment.

Is it really more nutritious?

In 2001 Virginia Worthington reviewed 41 published studies comparing nutritional values of convention to organic produce. An example of her findings; 5 servings of organic fruits and vegetables would your daily intake of vitamin c, while conventional produce did not. Further studies have had similar findings.

“IMO Organic tastes better.”

Do the pesticides really matter?

According to the consumer health digest:
In the US the most common classes of pesticides is organophosphates (OP’s) – they are neurotoxins.  Children aged 2-5 showed concentrations of OP residues that are 8.5 times higher when consuming conventional foods  when compared to those eating an organic diet. Additionally –  studies illustrate these neurotoxins have negative effects on fetal growth.

Is it really better tasting?

Buy a conventional tomato and an organic one – do your own taste test. My experience is that it often does taste better. I recently bought some full size organic carrots after buying baby carrots for a long time – I was surprised how much better they tasted than baby carrots.

I don’t purchase everything organic all the time. There are certain foods that I buy organic most of the time it is a balance between what is available and how much of a premium the pricing is. I’m trying to get better about leaving foods and making other choices if they aren’t organic, but it’s a process that doesn’t happen over night.

One thing I know for sure – the more I know – the more I try to buy organic!

Some statistis  for this post came from The www.ConsumerHealthDigest.com.

Check out the trailer for Food, Inc.
Information on Genetic Modification.

{ 8 comments… add one }

  • Lisa August 28, 2009, 10:41 am

    I buy 95% or so organic food and I don’t care what people say I know my health is better. I have Fibromyalgia and this has been the best thing I have done for my illness.

  • Luschka January 1, 2010, 5:11 am

    We have a weekly Abel & Cole delivery – it’s only been two weeks so
    far, but I really like it. I think it inspires me to try new things.
    Like the beetroot, carrot and potato cakes I made yesterday. I’d never
    have gone and bought beetroot (not dh’s favourite) or carrot (not my
    favourite) but they made lovely dinner! I was thinking just yesterday
    that I think our food tastes better now!
    .-= Luschka´s last blog ..January’s Tortures Life Detox =-.

  • AntonF February 11, 2010, 10:27 pm

    Great post! Eating organic food grown in mineral rich soil is one of the best things we can do for our bodies. Avoid chemically fertilized produce! Chemical fertilizers leach the minerals from the soil which results in produce with a much lower nutritional value.

  • MommyLisa April 7, 2010, 7:14 am

    I try to buy organic as much as possible and where it makes sense. For awhile I was buying organic bananas – then read they are the fruit where it does not matter because you peel off the pesticides….DUH! 😉

    My family LOVES organic milk and ketchup though.

    • Tania Reuben April 7, 2010, 8:51 pm

      I wasn’t buying Organic Bananas for the same reason – then I learned a little more about how much they are treated to survive their long journey… decided to add it back to my list.

  • Cindi Cuningham August 26, 2010, 9:43 pm

    Great post! The more organics we purchase, the more pesticides we keep out of the soil and ultimately our bodies. Thanks for sharing!

  • Lisa@ThirdEco September 27, 2010, 7:35 pm

    Excellent post! I always use the carrot comparison! It is a huge difference, and if you skip the chips and dip, the donuts and other “junk” food, you can afford the organic stuff… :)

  • Shelley (EvenAndy) April 10, 2011, 6:11 am

    I can definitely taste the difference too!  We try to buy organic fruits and vegetables as much as possible.  As far as price, we try to buy those things on sale.

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