Browsing Etsy Jewelry: A Guilt Free Pleasure
It’s the actual buying that can get me in trouble! My latest session resulted in a mere 44 items being added to my cart. Of those… here are just a few of my favorites!
Fabulous Etsy Jewelry: the perfect addition to your spring wardrobe!
This fantastic 5 strand black onyx necklace is from LuluNote, it sells for $90.
A classic you will wear for years!
Dress this up or down. It’s sure to be perfect with your favorite spring & summer dresses!
From TheDivineYou and sells for $68
What is not to love about the light this piece would add to any outfit.
From VHJewelry, it sells for $35 and includes a pair of delicate blue earrings!
In the PND Community we have a group set up just for sharing favorite finds! Come on over.
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