Historic plans are in place to reform the federal toxic chemical controls.
The principles of the reform has initial support from environmentalists, federal and state lawmakers. Additionally – The America Chemistry Council (ACC), The Grocery Manufacturers Associations and the Consumer Specialty Products Association are also supporting the new measures.
The key areas being addressed:
- Reviews of chemicals in light of safety standards, without cost-benefit analyses that have opened loopholes for dangerous chemicals;
- Consideration for vulnerable populations, especially children;
- New EPA authority to require chemical manufacturers to provide hazard, use and exposure data on new and existing chemicals and to act quickly when threats develop;
- Adequate funding for EPA safety assessments and regulatory programs;
- Priority for chemicals that pose higher risks to people and the environment, with clear deadlines and industry accountability;
- Incentives for innovation in green chemistry.
To Read the details:
EPA Chief Announces Sweeping Reforms for Toxic Chemicals | Environmental Working Group.
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