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Pediatric Ear Infections & The Home Remedy That Works For Us!

Ear infections are one of the most commonly occurring illnesses for children.  With an annual price tag estimated between $3 – 5 Billion, it is worth learning more.

A study out of UCLA has demonstrated a direct correlation between air quality and and the incidence of ear infection in children.

Another study that demonstrates how our health is impacted by our environment.

Home Remedy for Ear Infection

Lil’ Diva recently had an ear infection that we treated using hydrogen peroxide.

This is how my mom treated many of my ear infections, but I couldn’t find any information to  that made me comfortable and my pediatrician advised against it, so I wasn’t sure what to do.  Recently I was watching Dr. Oz and he said this was a home remedy that he used in his home for his children.

We take a the lid of the hydrogen peroxide and fill it with the liquid, saturate a cotton ball and squeeze the contents into the ear.  If there is an infection you will see bubbling in short order.  Lil’ Diva thinks it feels funny.

We then use use a dry cotton ball to absorb the liquid – NO SWABS – ever, ever, ever inside the ear canal!!!

We usually do this 2- 3 times.  Morning, midday and before bed.

I am SUPER sensitive to ear issues, having suffered from chronic ear problems, so I really monitor the children if they have an infection.  If the pain isn’t manageable with Advil or Tylenol I’ll take them in to the doctor pretty quickly.

It’s worth noting that the current evidence suggests that 8 out of 10 ear infections will clear up on their own without the use of Antibiotics.

Read the Full Study here:

Improved Air Quality Linked to Fewer Pediatric Ear Infections.

Remember – I am not a doctor and this post should not substitute the advice of a doctor.  This is just something that has worked in our home for my family!!!

{ 2 comments… add one }

  • Luschka January 30, 2010, 4:25 am

    Yip, my mom, a midwife, still recommends the hydrogen peroxide. Also, though, if people are still breastfeeding, breastmilk in the ear clears the infection up in a matter of hours. My LO had an ear infection at two months, and a squirt of breastmilk saved the day!

  • Vashti November 22, 2011, 1:39 pm

    I tried this yesterday with my 3 yo. She’d been crying all day with her ear and had woken up every 2 hours the night before. After the peroxide treatment and some Motrin for the pain she’s been a happy little girl since! I haven’t given her anymore Motrin today at all and she had a beautiful night’s rest last night.

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